martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

The last work of Brittany Murphy!

Abandoned, the last work shot by Brittnay Murphy could premiere in theaters. The film would go straight to DVD market finding no distributor, but after the tragic and untimely death of the actress late last year, and the media maelstrom that aroused the film eventually will be seen on the big screen.

Anchor Bay Entertainment is the name of the distributor that has acquired the rights to the film and was quick to announce that the movie will premiere Abandoned.

An operation by which, exploiting the morbid and rivers of ink have been written, and still written on the death of Murphy, expect to get a chunk at the box office.

The producer has not been sufficient time to give an appearance of tribute to what is an operation by commercial interests fueled by sheer morbidity.

"Everyone who worked with her in Abandoned sorely missed Brittany. The film is a taut thriller that introduced the character of Brittany as a strong and intelligent woman and that is how we record, "said in a statement. Brittnay Murphy's case is not unique in Hollywood.

Relatively recently we saw a similar example with Heath Ledger and The imagery of Doctor Parnassus, a film that the late Australian actor and did not end until the distributor failed Ledger received a posthumous Oscar for "The Dark Knight.

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